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You Can Learn How To Get Relief From Bulging Disc Pain In Dallas GA

By Nelson Clodfelter

Most bulging discs, ninety percent, occur in the lumbar portion of the spine. The discs that lie between the vertebrae are there to cushion one bone from the other. When a bulging, or herniated disc presses against a spinal nerve root, pain can result. When that happens a Dallas GA Chiropractor is available to provide a reduction of that pain.

Anyone who does not want to rely on prescription medication or over-the-counter medicines can turn to chiropractic care for help with the pain. The spine and the entire body is taken into consideration by the chiropractor. Methods are all non-invasive.

Before a plan can be formulated for pain relief, a thorough evaluation is done. This includes taking a medical history, performing a physical exam and ordering an x-ray to consider all factors. The client is asked about such things as loss of sensation, loss of muscle strength and reflexes.

When the evaluation is complete, the plan for care can be arranged. A series of appointments for spinal adjustments may be scheduled. In addition, a series of stretching exercises may be designed to fit the individual needs of each client. These will help to achieve spinal flexibility along with the adjustments.

One method used is called the flexion-distraction technique. A special table is used that allows for the spine to be stretched, thus relieving pressure. This is combined with exercises and administered in a series of adjustments.

An alternate technique is named the pelvic blocking method. A wedge that is cushioned is placed under the pelvis on each side of the body. It is intended to draw the disc away from pressing against a nerve. Exercises are added to this care plan, usually to stretch the spine.

The chiropractor is an excellent source of professional advice. This can range from what is good nutrition to explaining ways to prevent aggravating the herniated disc to avoid increasing the pain. It may be advisable to avoid lifting heavy objects in the future.

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