May One of this suoltion help you ?

A New Resource For Healthy Living

By Cliff Walsh

Some time back, I set to look for a more healthy method of eating compared to the average diet in the U.S., which is filled with fat, salt, sugar, and a number of harmful chemicals. I figured a great starting point will be the USDA food pyramid, given that it had been ingrained into my brain from an earlier age, I assumed at least, for a good reason. After studying it along with its successor, MyPlate, I felt compelled to continue my search as both appeared to have glaring shortcomings.

One of the main problems with the pyramid is the recommendation for us to eat 6-11 portions of breads, pastas, and other grain products every day. Not only does research suggest that is too much, there is no mention of whole grains versus refined grains. Another shortcoming is that the pyramid lumps meat, poultry, fish, and nuts together despite having very different nutrition profiles. Poultry typically has significantly less fat than meat, some fish, and nuts. additionally, it doesn't distinguish between the healthy fat in fish and nuts versus the unhealthy saturated fats often contained in meat. I also believe there to be too much dairy at 2-3 servings per day. Why do human adults (or children, for that matter) need to drink the milk of another animal? The top of the pyramid (fats, oils, sweets) also doesn't distinguish between healthy fats in some oils and unhealthy fats in sweets. Furthermore, listing fat as a food item is confusing. Is fat a food group or do they mean straight lard?

In 2011, the pyramid was replaced with MyPlate. Although the MyPlate recommendations suggest a greater amount of nutrition coming from fruits and vegetables, it still comes up short in other areas. The guidelines still allow for half of grains to be refined while in the meat section, they do not differentiate processed meats like hotdogs and sausages. Meanwhile, healthy fats are completely missing from the plate. My dairy concerns remain from the earlier pyramid.

Thankfully, I came across a better way. It's called the Healthy Eating Pyramid, created by Harvard University based on legitimate nutritional research without influence from the food industry lobby, something that cannot be said for the USDA's efforts. Harvard's pyramid makes a number of key improvements and distinctions compared to the USDA's recommendations. First, not only are there distinctions made between whole grains and refined grains, the quantity of refined grains is significantly reduced. The same thing goes for red meat and processed meats. They are separated from fish and poultry, and recommended to be eaten sparingly.

Harvard's pyramid also consists of sections on healthy oils, nuts, and seeds, distinguishing between healthy (unsaturated) and unhealthy (saturated) fats. Their research suggests either a lower amount of dairy, compared to the USDA's version, at 1-2 portions each day or supplementation with vitamin D and calcium. A multivitamin and daily exercise are also important pieces to the overall philosophy.

In my opinion, Harvard's pyramid is substantially healthier than either of the USDA's attempts. It seems more independent and based on better research. If you are considering making improvements to your diet, I suggest you take a look at the Healthy Eating Pyramid.

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